Sunday, October 30, 2011

October in review

Must start off with this-- Things have truly gone full circle on blogger. When I started what is now lovingly referred to as MFC I had no idea that it would eventually grow to the point that it would NEED to migrate from this platform to something different. This is more for me to summarize more personal stuff and include things that I will never post to MFC. This is a real blogspot, I suppose you might say. Anway, without further adieu...

October has been one of the most exciting and busy months I've ever had. So many great things happened this month, which includes the following in no particular order:
  • Two very close friends of mine, Jess and Marty tied the knot in Boston. This involved a chaotic day trip on the Chinatown bus to Boston. But it was all worth it. It was also a very nostalgic trip for me, since it has been a long time since I was last in Boston. I got to reunite with Ian Kroopnick and make some Seinfeld references while dancing to a 90s cover band. Also was about a block from the Brandeis shuttle, walked by Fenway, took the T, the usual good stuff.
  • Speaking of reuniting with friends, my other good mate Jay moved back here and is now working full-time in the music industry. Very cool, indeed.
  • Got a new roommate, real cool guy...
  • Lord what shows was I at: Foster the People (Live on Letterman), The London Souls, Ted Leo/ Friends, Desert Sharks, The Black Keys, CMJ [next bullet], Big Freedia / Spank Rock/ The Death Set
  • CMJ 2011 [NYC's biggest city wide music festival]: Sweet lord I am not even going to list everything I went to during this thing. It was a great week of everything. There were Subway Sandwiches, awkward cell phone charging times, running into all sorts of people, rendezvous' with friends from France, a ton of great indie rock, and a ton of swag. The week before this thing was one of the most intense that I've ever had as far as listings go for MFC.
  • MFC broke all previous traffic records for the month with approximately 47,000 visits.
  • I was honored to be able to both speak at NYU for an alumni panel concerning enterpreneurship as well as get featured in an article written for the NYU Music Business Program's website.
  • The baseball playoffs this year were incredible. I caught as many games as I could while doing the rest of the stuff above, but I was in fact able to catch the chaotic last day of the regular season and Game 6 of the World Series, which were 2 of the wildest nights of baseball I've ever seen. Football on the other hand-- Vikings have been erratic, though I think Ponder is the right guy and can be a great QB for years.
  • New albums this month: Noel Gallagher, Kele (solo), Justice, Wavves, Tokyo Police Club, Florence & the Machine.
  • Next: Will be working hard on MFC prior to Thanksgiving, then heading back to Minneapolis / St. Paul for about a week to visit family and relax. Booking room and flight for SXSW in Austin, Texas as well.